the midgar daily's
award of



I have up dated agin. Did you notice that u were redrected as u entered my old site? Now the URL is spelled the correct way. I have been meaning to do it for a while (since I opened my site and realized i spelled it wrong). The changes consist of color changes in my guest book along with haveing it work agin. There is no snow at least on my site but I can see plenty of it through my window. If there are any changes you would like to see please state them in the guest book. In case any one surfed onto my site and does not know my s/n for aim it is Squall1062. I have started playing ff8 agin I stoped last spring break after I lost in a 3 hour battle aginst the final boss and I said I would not play it agin untill the next spring break but I could not wait so I am playing it agin. Now my main team (Squall, Zell, Rinoa) all are on level 100 and I have all the Gfs. So I am ready to take on the final boss agin (whell soon any way)!!! (:>)

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